This would be fun! I would like to have one of these eco-friendly bike washing machine. It's like multi-tasking, imagine you're not only saving electricity bill you're also saving precious time. The students from Dalian Nationalities University in China who design this bike called this stationary bicycle BiWa, or Bike Washing Machine, pretty clever huh! While you're kicking the pedals it will rotate the drum of the washing machine. It also generates electricity that helps power the monitor and charge the battery for future use. This bike will also save you a lot of money since you don't have go to the laundromat and it will also keep you fit.

I hope they sell this soon they could also add USB slot to charge your phone while cycling.
This is really a good concept specially for those who live in cities with tight spaces. I hope they can design a machine with a decent load capacity.

I don't think this is in the market yet. If you can't wait you can design your own bike washing machine like this one:

They called it the SpinCycle, it is a portable washing machine that attaches to almost any bicycle. It's not as flashy and modern looking as the BiWa but it sure is very practical. It was designed by Rich Hewitt, he came up with the idea while he was in Burundi. He has a lot of laundry and wants to make it easier. The bicycle is fully usable with a SpinCycle attached, and everything needed for washing clothes can be carried in the drum. So, unlike with the BiWa which is stationary, the SpinCycle you're not just having a good exercise, you're also washing your clothes and commuting! That's three task!!! When needed the device rotates into place and the drum detaches so it can be filled. The drum is fitted with a paddle that helps the washing process.