
Thursday, April 6, 2017

2017 Banana Bike LT for Kids

Banana Bike LT, balance bike

Here's the new and improved model of the Banana Bike LT for Kids, the design has been updated with new bearings, new and improved seat, it has a new quick release seat bracket and a new stronger metal headset. It also has a new and upgraded handlebars. The latest Banana Bike LT is easier to assemble than its predecessor.

The Banana shaped bicycle frame is specifically design for small children starting off, from 2 year olds up. The design allows the seat to get super-low allowing even small kids to get started on two wheels, whilst providing plenty of adjustment for growing children.

The bike is lightweight so that your kids will have an easier time riding it and easy to carry anywhere. Despite being light it is built strong. The tires are puncture proof EVA Foam tires that don't need to be inflated.

Balance bike like this is the single best way for a child to start on two wheels, they quickly learn balance which ultimately makes their transition to a pedal bike when they are ready, quick and painless.

Balance Bike for Kids - 2, 3 & 4 Year Olds - Lightweight Banana Bike LT $59.99

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